Types of pubg hacks

Hacks and cheats are not allowed to be used in any game. Whoever gets caught cheating, their account gets banned. It is unfair for people who worked hard to get the skills and strategies to be on top. Everyone wants to be on top and be envied by other players, and not everyone has the skill set, which results in them to cheat. There are different types of pubg hacks. First on the list is the wallhack, wallhack allows the hacker to see enemies straight through an obstacle.

Valorant Hacks,

Using pubg hack, the player can essentially hold perfect angles and all spot the enemies. These types of hackers are often caught when they suspiciously pre-fire. Pre-fire is when the player fires before they even see the enemy. If they do this while an enemy creeps out from behind the wall probabilities are that tat player is hacking.

An easy way to spot an enemy is when they are standing behind the wall, yet the hacker aims behind the wall. Doing that allows the hacker to track the enemy with their cursor. They can be hard to detect, but the hackers sometimes give random clues, which proves that they are cheating. So, players should spectate them, take a closer look at their moves, and if they are hacking, they should report the player. Next is the ESP hack, this hack is similar to that of wallhack but in a larger and bigger scale.

Valorant Hacks,

By turning the ESP hack, the players can see a lot more information than they are supposed to have. They can see the content of the drop, the position of the enemy, the vehicles they have, and many more. The third pubg hack is the speed hack; this type of hack is pretty obvious for other players to spot. They don't last for more than a few games because they tend to get banned quickly. If a player moves faster than normal, it's obvious that they are using a speed hack.

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